Wrong decision is probably incorrect, unethical, or illegal; on the other hand, bad decision is probably irrational and inappropriate for the situation.
The best executives make decisions, even if the wrong one. Without making a decision an executive is useless. The key is to make more correct decisions than wrong ones. When a wrong decision is made and discovered wrong, it can than be corrected. The best executives are the ones that can make decisions fast with a high degree of correctness. The worst executives are the ones who can't make decisions or are slow, and when they finally do make a decision, they are mostly wrong.
A decision is choice based on an examination of facts whereas judgement is choice based on values. Either can be right or wrong or objective or subjective depending on criteria.
The following are the most common types of decision making styles that a manager in a business or even a common man might have to follow.Irreversible: These decisions are permanent. Once taken, they can't be undone. The effects of these decisions can be felt for a long time to come. Such decisions are taken when there is no other option.Reversible: Reversible decisions are not final and binding. In fact, they can be changed entirely at any point of time. It allows one to acknowledge mistakes and fresh decisions can be taken depending upon the new circumstances.Delayed: Such decisions are put on hold until the decision maker thinks that the right time has come. The wait might make one miss the right opportunity that can cause some loss, specially in the case of businesses. However, such decisions give one enough time to collect all information required and to organize all the factors in the correct way.Quick Decisions: These decisions enable one to make maximum of the opportunity available at hand. However, only a good decision maker can take decisions that are instantaneous as well as correct. In order to be able to take the right decision within a short span of time, one should also take the long-term results into consideration.Experimental: One of the different types of decision making is the experimental type in which the final decision cannot be taken until the preliminary results appear and are positive. This approach is used when one is sure of the final destination but is not convinced of the course to be taken.Trial and Error: This approach involves trying out a certain course of action. If the result is positive it is followed further, if not, then a fresh course is adopted. Such a trail and error method is continued until the decision maker finally arrives at a course of action that convinces him of success. This allows a manager to change and adjust his plans until the final commitment is made.Conditional: Conditional decisions allow an individual to keep all his options open. He sticks to one decision so long as the circumstances remain the same. Once the competitor makes a new move, conditional decisions allow a person to take up a different course of action.Types of Decision Making for LeadersA leader gives direction to people to follow. He is responsible for ensuring that his decision provides the right direction to the organization. Be it in a business or in other organizations, decision making is an important component of leadership skills. The different types of decision making that a leader typically encounters are:Authoritative: In authoritative type of decision making the leader is the sole decision maker which subordinates follow. The leader has all the information and expertise required to make a quick decision. It is important that the leader is a good decision maker as it is he who has to own up to the consequences of his decision. Though effective, in case the leader is an experienced individual, it can harm the organization if the leader insists on an authoritative type of decision making even when there is expertise available within the team.Facilitative: In facilitative type of decision making, both the leader and his subordinates work together to arrive at a decision. The subordinates should have the expertise as well as access to the information required to make decisions. Such an approach could be useful when the risk of wrong decision is very low. It is also a great way of involving and encouraging subordinates in the working of the organization.Consultative: As the name suggests, consultative decisions are made in consultation with the subordinates. However, the fact remains that unlike in the facilitative decision making style, in consultative decision making it is the leader who holds the decision making power. A wise leader tends to consult his subordinates when he thinks that they have valuable expertise on the situation at hand.Delegative: As per the term, the leader passes on the responsibility of making decisions to one or more of his subordinates. This type of decision making is usually adopted by the leader when he is confident of the capabilities of his subordinates.It would have been so good had there been a universal model for decision making. However, due to the dynamic nature of conditions, be it our workplace or our personal lives, we have to resort to different types of decision making.
Decision-making is a crucial part of good business. The question then is 'how is a good decision made?One part of the answer is good information, and experience in interpreting information. Consultation ie seeking the views and expertise of other people also helps, as does the ability to admit one was wrong and change one's mind. There are also aids to decision-making, various techniques which help to make information clearer and better analysed, and to add numerical and objective precision to decision-making (where appropriate) to reduce the amount of subjectivity.Managers can be trained to make better decisions. They also need a supportive environment where they won't be unfairly criticised for making wrong decisions (as we all do sometimes) and will receive proper support from their colleague and superiors. A climate of criticism and fear stifles risk-taking and creativity; managers will respond by 'playing it safe' to minimise the risk of criticism which diminishes the business' effectiveness in responding to market changes. It may also mean managers spend too much time trying to pass the blame around rather than getting on with running the business.Decision-making increasingly happens at all levels of a business. The Board of Directors may make the grand strategic decisions about investment and direction of future growth, and managers may make the more tactical decisions about how their own department may contribute most effectively to the overall business objectives. But quite ordinary employees are increasingly expected to make decisions about the conduct of their own tasks, responses to customers and improvements to business practice. This needs careful recruitment and selection, good training, and enlightened management.Types of Business Decisions1. Programmed Decisions These are standard decisions which always follow the same routine. As such, they can be written down into a series of fixed steps which anyone can follow. They could even be written as computer program2. Non-Programmed Decisions. These are non-standard and non-routine. Each decision is not quite the same as any previous decision.3. Strategic Decisions. These affect the long-term direction of the business eg whether to take over Company A or Company B4. Tactical Decisions. These are medium-term decisions about how to implement strategy eg what kind of marketing to have, or how many extra staff to recruit5. Operational Decisions. These are short-term decisions (also called administrative decisions) about how to implement the tactics eg which firm to use to make deliveries.
a high involvement purchase decision is the good which cost is high and have a risk so you must research for it to avoid making the wrong choice.
a wrong decision is either incorrect, immoral or illegal ,a bad decision, is more foolish or inappropriate for the situation
a wrong decision is either incorrect, immoral or illegal ,a bad decision, is more foolish or inappropriate for the situation
The best executives make decisions, even if the wrong one. Without making a decision an executive is useless. The key is to make more correct decisions than wrong ones. When a wrong decision is made and discovered wrong, it can than be corrected. The best executives are the ones that can make decisions fast with a high degree of correctness. The worst executives are the ones who can't make decisions or are slow, and when they finally do make a decision, they are mostly wrong.
it can affect our decisions wether it is right or wrong because of that superstitious belief we can now rely in our daily decision.
a wrong decision is either incorrect, immoral or illegal ,a bad decision, is more foolish or inappropriate for the situation
A decision is choice based on an examination of facts whereas judgement is choice based on values. Either can be right or wrong or objective or subjective depending on criteria.
A decision is choice based on an examination of facts whereas judgement is choice based on values. Either can be right or wrong or objective or subjective depending on criteria.
Wrong decision is probably incorrect, unethical, or illegal; on the other hand, bad decision is probably irrational and inappropriate for the situation.
Magic is only bad if you perceive it to be that way. There is no difference between black magic and white magic, and you know the difference between right and wrong yourself, so really it's your decision on what magic is "good".
court decision reflect changing social political and economic condition
Yes, teens generally understand the difference between right and wrong. Developmentally, they are capable of understanding moral reasoning and applying it to their behaviors. However, immaturity, peer pressure, and lack of life experience can sometimes influence their decision-making.
Falling in love is not a bad decision. Getting married too early or having sex too early are a bad decisions.