A decision is choice based on an examination of facts whereas judgement is choice based on values. Either can be right or wrong or objective or subjective depending on criteria.
Judgement is judging someone, and decision making is deciding something, usually about you and things about you. Example Plz: by ruban.
The difference is that decision making usually come first than problem solving.
Frontal (Apex)
dont know the answer
Mis helps in planning and controlling in an organisation but decision making means select a single alternative among all possible alternative.
Judgement is judging someone, and decision making is deciding something, usually about you and things about you. Example Plz: by ruban.
A decision is choice based on an examination of facts whereas judgement is choice based on values. Either can be right or wrong or objective or subjective depending on criteria.
its stipid qestion jo dik khato
The difference is that decision making usually come first than problem solving.
Frontal (Apex)
diffrent btw decition making and policy making
Decision aid system is for decision making. A support system is a helpdesk.
An individual decision is a decision that was made by one person. A group decision is a decision that was crafted by multiple people.
dont know the answer
"Decision" is a noun, and "decide" is a verb. A decision is the choice made by somebody, and "decide", or, "to decide", is the act of making that choice.
Mis helps in planning and controlling in an organisation but decision making means select a single alternative among all possible alternative.
A strategist in my opinion is someone who has heighten anticipatory skills due to years of refining that ability. This resultsin acute decision making ability and excellent judgement. A strategist in my opinion is someone who has heighten anticipatory skills due to years of refining that ability. This resultsin acute decision making ability and excellent judgement. A strategist in my opinion is someone who has heighten anticipatory skills due to years of refining that ability. This resultsin acute decision making ability and excellent judgement. A strategist in my opinion is someone who has heighten anticipatory skills due to years of refining that ability. This resultsin acute decision making ability and excellent judgement.