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Well hazel can range from light brown to dark green. It's mainly a mixture of green and brown or the imbetween color of both. A lot of people who think they have brown eyes actually have hazel eyes. For example my fathers eyes appear to be brown in average lighting than while in sunlight or around a bright light his eyes are green. Its because he has shades of green in his brown eyes.

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Q: Is there a difference between hazel and brown eyes?
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What is the difference between green eyes and hazel?

Hazel is a combination of green and brown.

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he likes brunettes and girls with brown eyes... which doesn't really explain perrie but whatever

What is the genotype for hazel eyes?

Hazel eyes are not highly common. They are eyes that can change color from brown to green, and somewhere in between. A genotype of Gg would produce hazel eyes.

Hazel eyes are what color?

Hazel eyes are a blend between green and brown. At points in time, hazel eyes will change colour, sort of like a chamelion. When you are young you will be at the point where your eyes are the most green. As you get older, your eyes will become more brown, and sometimes will go directly to brown.

What color are Paula Abdul's eyes?

between hazel and brown

How do you know if your eyes are hazel or brown?

Hazel eyes typically have a combination of brown and green tones, while brown eyes are a solid shade of brown. To determine if your eyes are hazel or brown, look in the mirror under natural lighting. If you see distinct hints of green mixed in with the brown, then your eyes are likely hazel.

Does Kelly Clarkson have hazel eyes?

Yes. I have green eyes and the difference is that hazel have a darker middle, and in the light appears a muddy green, but in the dark apeares a light or dark brown.

What do you call brown green eyes?

Brown green eyes are often referred to as hazel eyes, which are characterized by a mixture of brown and green pigments in the iris.

What is the difference between monkey's eyes and human's eyes?

There is no difference we look exactly as the monkeys do. well we don't look exactly alike i don't think monkeyes get blue or green or hazel eyes just brown. :P

Can Parents that have hazel eyes have a daughter with brown eyes?

Yes. Often hazel eyes are brown eyes with green coloring in them.

What color are the Jonas brothers eyes?

Kevin's eyes are hazel. Joe's eyes are also hazel. And Nick's eyes are brown.

Are my eyes dark brown or dark hazel because in bright lighting my eyes look dark brown with specks of dark hazel?

Your eyes color are dark hazel