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No, THC is a cannabinoid, there are no cannabinoids in spice. It wont show up on a cannabis drug test.

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8mo ago

Spice, also known as synthetic marijuana, can contain synthetic chemicals that mimic the effects of THC but are typically more potent and dangerous. These substances are illegal and not regulated, making them unpredictable and hazardous to consume.

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Q: Is there THC in spice
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What is main component in k2 spice?

The main component in K2 Spice is typically synthetic cannabinoids, which are man-made chemicals designed to mimic the effects of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. These chemicals are sprayed onto plant material and then smoked for their intoxicating effects. It is important to note that synthetic cannabinoids can be much more potent and dangerous than natural THC.

How do you pass a drug screen if i smoke spice?

It is not advisable to provide advice on how to pass a drug screen if you have used spice or any other illicit substances. The best approach is to abstain from drug use and seek help if needed. Trying to cheat a drug screen can have legal and personal consequences.

How long does K2 Spice remain in your body?

The effects of K2 spice can last up to a few hours, but it can remain detectable in your body for days to weeks, depending on factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and type of drug test. It can be detectable in urine tests for up to several days, in blood tests for up to 24 hours, and in hair tests for up to 90 days.

Is Delta 9 THC and delta 9 Carboxy THC the same thing?

No, they are not the same. Delta-9 THC is the primary psychoactive component in cannabis, while delta-9 carboxy THC is a metabolite of delta-9 THC that is produced in the body after THC consumption. Delta-9 carboxy THC is not psychoactive and is often used in drug tests to detect cannabis use.

How do you get THC in your body?

THC is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through the skin. The most common ways to consume THC are smoking or vaping cannabis, consuming edibles, or using tinctures or topicals that contain THC.

Related questions

Is there any THC in spice?

No there is no THC in spice. Spices is sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC but it will not come up in a drug test.

Is spice THC?

No. Spice is a mixture of random dangerous chemicals. Spice kills allot of people, THC has never killed anyone in history.

What is the difference between marijuana and spice?

Spice contains cannabicyclohexanol, which is "synthetic" thc, whereas weed has THC (tetrahydrocannibinol) and cannabinoid

Can k2 spice cause a positive drug test for any drug?

Yes spice does contain THC in it, and if consumed will make you turn in a positive test for THC.

Does the black Mamba spice contain THC?

I hope NOT!

Can pep spice show up in a THC test?


Does damiana spice contain THC?

No sir :D

Does the incense spice put holes in your brain?

Yes, and it is very high in THC. people have died from spice.

Does spice show any THC?

Yes and no. Spice is a cannabanoid with a compleatly different actor ingrediant called JHW-018, which had a different structure then THC will not show up on a THC test. However since it is a cannanbinoid, some type of spice contain small about of THC, but it will only show up as so for a few hours after use. Be warned though, it is on it's way to becoming illegal, and certain labs are able to test for JWH-018z.

Does smoking spice make your eyes red?

yes because of thc cells

Will spice show up on a juveniles UA?

No it won't because there is no thc they test for thc because I just got a ya today and I'm clean

Does spice affect THC detoxification?

Yes then up to a day later if you smoke marijuana you will not be affected