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If you have a perfectly good reason why you ARE talking to him if your boy/girlfriend finds out, then no.

but otherwise, i would think yes, it is considered cheating.

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Q: Is talking to an ex on the phone every day consider cheating?
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Would you consider it cheating if you boyfriend talks to other girls on his cell phone?

That would depend on the nature of the call and conversation but the actual act of it is not cheating. If he is just talking to friends harmlessly and he is not hiding it from you - then no. If he is talking to girls flirtatiously and trying to set up dates with them then he isn't cheating on you but considering it.

Is there a such thing as verbally cheating?

it really depends on how you feel about it. if by verbally cheating you mean phone sex or something along those lines, then i would consider that cheating

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If cheating is truly not on someone's mind whether they contact their friend on the Internet; phone or meet somewhere then they should have no problem introducing their wife to their lady friend and letting his wife know that he is talking to her over the Internet. If a man has to ask 'is it cheating' then it probably is.

Is it true when your mate is cheating when he's talking sexually to another person that not his girlfriend and thinks you don' know it but you do?

there is a such thing as physical cheating and emotional cheating. emotional cheating is when you are confiding and talking to another sex while you are in a relationship on a level that you are vulnerable and it could lead to physical mistakes. talking to someone sexually on the phone when you are in a relationship with someone could b catogorized as emotional cheating. he may have not touched the girl physically yet but talking in a sexual manner is still a form of cheating and is not right nor acceptable and it's disrespecting you. I would tell him that you know what he is doing and that it's not right. also, you have to consider as well that this could be someone he has already been physical with, which is why he is talking that way with her, so you have to just confront him about the whole thing. either way, what he is doing is not right.

Your husband breaks his cell phone every time you ask him if he is cheating is he?

buy him cheap phones

How would someone be cheating?

Usually, you can tell by always busy, talking to someone else, and not answering the phone (during the night).

Does every phone have conferencing service?

No. Every phone doesn't have a conferencing service included. You have to buy a specific phone meant for business or you can consider internet phone services.

Will it be considered cheating if your spouse entertains other interested party either in chat rooms emails or talking personally or by phone?

Yes, that is considered a form of cheating. I wouldn't my spouse interacting with anyone interested in them online! He should be spending that time with me not talking to them!

Is poking someone on FB cheating Was not chatting or talking on phone to this person?

No Considering that it was only for fun and not just for attention from that person it would not be considered cheating of sorts. If your partner has reacted to this hey might be over reacting.

Is it considered cheating if there has been no actual sexual contact just talking on the phone?

It is cheating, especially if you are discussing matters in a way that you would with your husband. If it is business, then fine. Otherwise, you need to stop doing this. BTW, cell phones and others have online accounts that list phone calls, and their duration.

Could your boyfriend be cheating if he is constantly on his phone texting and claims he is talking to his sister?

It's a possibility he is, but I have my suspicions. I have a brother and I highly doubt he'd be talking to me even by phone that often and I'd be lucky to get a call a week from him. Most men are not big on talking or texting on the phone unless it's with their buddies and it's to do with something they are interested in. I'd check his phone and see what you can come up with. Good luck Marcy

Is he cheating on the phone?

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