No. Nothing will happen if you kiss, I wouldn't suggest doing anything that involves that area until your done with your period though.
Your worried that something bad gonna happen
dont tell her/him move on its not gonna happen sorry but its not move on
It's not gonna happen.
don't plan on it cuz it ain't gonna happen...it will in ur dreams! LOL!
well something that won't break your trust with him. something that's not gonna make you look like your fishy about something. ask him about his problems, what you could do to help. you know comforting ones the ones that's gonna make him more comfortable around you. I guess it depends on what kind of question? How was your day? Anything fun happen today? Anything funny happen when you were younger? Give more details then "good question".
You may miss your miss your boyfriend. U might still love him but just move on I miss my boy frien mitchell
try to ask him if he does if its true thn u just need to tell him that its not gonna happen but gently x
Yes I Think Because If You Get Your Period Its Not Their Business So Kiss Them __________________________________ Of course you can! Its not as if he's gonna get an STD or anything!
tell him you want him to go harder! tease him into thinking you're gonna do something with his penis then don't!
something 's gonna happen tonight i think. It is by cilla black.
Foreboding. It means that you're guessing that something bad is gonna happen in your future.
Having a boyfriend depends on your social circle and ideals of love.