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Yes it is.. Unless you filter the smoke with water. Then it would help to relax the body without harming the infection with smoke so that one can cough up the phlegm once it is done taking care of the infection that is a chest cold.

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No, it doesn't make a difference.

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Q: Is smoking weed with a chest cold bad?
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Really the bad thing about smoking weed is that it makes your teeth yellow. Also it makes you have really bad breath I wouldn't smoke weed at all some say it's healthily.

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Is it normal after smoking weed for your heart to sting?

no. but it is normal for your heart rate to go up. if your heart stings hours after smoking the marijuana, than its probably not the marijuana doing it. it may be laced, but very unlikely. maybe it wasnt the marijuana, and its something else? dont smoke weed if your getting bad chest pains and you think the weed is causing it.

Is smoking weed bad for you if your one month pregnant?

It can cause harm to the fetus. I had a miscarriage from smoking.

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Well If You Stopped Smoking Weed It Wouldnt Be As Bad. . . .

Is smoking weed while water fasting bad?

No, smoking weed will not do anything to affect the fast. Although it might make you hungry and make it hard to stick to the fast.