no. but it is normal for your heart rate to go up. if your heart stings hours after smoking the marijuana, than its probably not the marijuana doing it. it may be laced, but very unlikely. maybe it wasnt the marijuana, and its something else? dont smoke weed if your getting bad chest pains and you think the weed is causing it.
Yes, it affects the entire system and your heart.
Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed
Weed will always hurt your brain one way or the other.
No. Tylenol has nothing to do with THC. Something bad would be taking a prescribed medicine for heart problems then smoking weed.
Yes! Relax its perfectly normal. Especially if it is a strong Indica strain.
The only comprehensive study done while smoking weed during pregnancy showed the baby to be normal. So no, weed is not bad.
Weed is actually healthy for you, google the benefits
No you can not get skinnier from smoking weed
smoking what? weed? or ciggs?
No but weed does
Of course. Weed is not a contraceptive.
Do everything you can do to get your mind off of it. Do a hobie of yours everyday in place of smoking weed.