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i personally don t belive in it but its not as bad as people make it out to be it wont make you insane or want to shoot people all it does is make you very unmotivated to do anything, its not super bad for you, but itn will not make u wanna do anything, so its up to you

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12y ago
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13y ago

There are proven medicinal properties in medical cannabis in the form of cannabiniods. That's not to be confused with T.H.C witch give us the "high" feeling. That said, when you smoke cannabis you also burn toxins like plant matter, and what ever else is with or on the cannabis. The best transport among real medical users is the vaporizer. It heats the cannabis to a controlled level vaporizing only the T.H.C for inhalation and leaving everything else behind. So no, SMOKING WEED IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU! My Suggestion is to get a vaporizer!

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14y ago

Marijuana is completely non-hazardous and non-addictive. There have been 0 reports of death because of marijuana alone. If you were to smoke, keep in mind that it is not yet decriminalized everywhere and you could run the risk of getting caught, but if you feel comfortable with that then use your own judgment. A lot of people don't need to smoke because it seems to make them more anxious, depressed, and paranoid than most. If you don't feel comfortable while high, or if it gives you the opposite effects of what its intended for, don't do it. If you find yourself entirely too complacent on your couch watching aqua teen hunger force and eating cheez-its all day when you should be doing something, then it's probably not for you. There are plenty of people who remain steadfast in all their endeavors while still smoking weed.

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13y ago

No. It damages the brain, the lungs, the liver, and the respiratory systems of the body. It can cause cancer and stays in the fat cells of the body. The usage of pot may also lead to the use of harder/stronger drugs and not to mention the possibility that you may be arrested for drugs. This can be very unhealthy to stay in jail/prison.

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13y ago

No, you are Not supposed to smoke weed, Unless your real medical doctor thinks you should, and very few doctors think their patients should smoke weed.

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14y ago

No. It is illegal in the U.S.

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