There are several different resources that you might find to help you stop smoking weed. There are Inpatient Facilities to go to for help or there are Support Groups that will help. A Therapist could also help you or a Psychiatrist for pharmacological help to get past the withdrawals.
You stop smoking weed.
I think the following story will help you i might weed lowers your sperm count
Yes , if you stop smoking weed !! If not , you must see a doctor .. Poor man , He will help you , im sure !!
you stop smoking it :L from cammy
Stop smoking weed
last year
Just stop smoking it. It's really that easy - weed is not chemically addictive.
If you would like to raise awareness of the dangers of using cannabis and to help people quit smoking weed, then why not volunteer at your local youth project. Alternatively, you could contact your nearest drug rehabilitation charity and offer to volunteer.
Yes. What were we talking about?
Stop smoking weed.
No because weed in non addicting and you can stop cold turkey unlike trying to get off heroine which you cant stop cold turkey because you have the need to want it always until you get help