Actually, one cigarette takes 7 minutes off your life... or so THEY say. Also it is a proven fact that smoking weed is better for you. That's mainly because weed is a natural herb. In cigarettes you have to smoke through all kinds of chemicals to get to the tobacco. Plus there's no nicotine in weed or any other addictive substance. If that wasn't enough you should also consider if weed is SO bad for you then why do they give it as a "cure" to cancer and glaucoma, etc.
Smoking tobacco stuffs up your body.
Smoking weed stuffs up your mind.
You decide.
AnswerMarijuana is much safer to smoke than cigarettes because of many reasons. First of all, marijuana isn't physically addictive, as opposed to nicotine in cigarettes. Marijuana doesn't damage the brain, and moderate smoking of marijuana poses little threat to the lungs.Some might say that marijuana is more potent these days than they were back in the 60-80's, making them quite dangerous, however it's the same marijuana they smoked back then so that's a myth.
People also smoke marijuana less often than cigarette's because they're not physically dependent on it, decreasing the chance of any problems with the lungs dramatically. Plus it also has some medicinal value, so that's another plus.
So, no, it's not as bad, not even close.
AnswerSmoking marijuana, is (in my opinion) probably as dangerous as tobacco, in terms of smoking-related diseases. Most cigarettes today are typically filtered, while most people smoke marijuana without a filter, be it a joint, a blunt, a bong, or a bowl/pipe. Additionally, people tend to hold in marijuana smoke longer than they hold in tobacco smoke, because they want to get as high as possible.However, people who smoke cigarettes typically smoke (on average) 1 pack, or 20 cigarettes, a day. Most pot-smokers do not smoke 20 joints a day. So, since you usually don't smoke anywhere near as much marijuana as you do cigarettes, the risk of smoking-related diseases decreases a lot.
AnswerNumerous studies suggest that marijuana may cause a decrease in fertility, in both men and women. These studies have no clinical value. Mostly due to the fact that there is no way to accurately test this without having other variables involved.
No, actually its safer. There are no cancer causing carcinogins in marijuana, while there are 40+ in tobacco cigarettes, including rat poison, arsenic and nicotine. Not once in all of mankind has someone died because of a marijuana related death, that's right, not once. Cigarettes kill 400,000 people a year. It is also impossible to overdose in marijuana.
smoking weed is better than smoking cigarettes. It's much healthier for you!
It gets you higher for longer and healthier than smoking but it takes a while to kick in
In the song "Kesha" by Kesha, she mentions smoking cigarettes.
Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.
No, I think all smoking ages you faster, cigarettes and marijuana. Sources: Experience
Be sure of that. Be sure of that. Quit smoking brings benefits to your entire organism.
If I was forced to choose between the two. I'd choose weed. Because weed, has been medically proven to be healthier on your body than cigarettes. The only unhealthy thing about weed, is the smoke itself, not the marijuana, but just the smoke itself, which is the same from anything. But the smoke from weed, is less unhealthy then cigarette smoke. Plus, weed isn't physically addictive, as in I'm not gonna randomly feel like I need a joint or a bowl. unlike with cigarettes, if I don't have cigarettes, than I'm irritable and easily pissed off.To be honest, I wouldn't mind kicking the habit of cigarettes, but for now, I can afford it so it doesn't bother me too much.
Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed
Smoking it hurts our lungs, growing it boosts our economy. It's very complicated, but I can assure you that I'd rather smoke weed than cigarettes.
Maybe there is weed in cigarettes!!
I think the following story will help you i might weed lowers your sperm count