Is breaking the law a sin? not always but ask yourself, would Jesus smoke pot or do any other drug, the answer is no. And if you break any laws you are committing a sin.
yes because God says that we are supposed to look after our bodies. smoking weed is practically killing our body.
The ethical implications of smoking weed would depend on one's personal beliefs and values. Some religious traditions may consider it a sin due to its impact on health or altering of mental state, while others may not see it as inherently sinful. It's important to reflect on your own beliefs and make choices that align with your values.
Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed
Weed is actually healthy for you, google the benefits
No you can not get skinnier from smoking weed
smoking what? weed? or ciggs?
No but weed does
Of course. Weed is not a contraceptive.
Do everything you can do to get your mind off of it. Do a hobie of yours everyday in place of smoking weed.
smoking weed is bad in general, but yes, i wold say that smoking weed during a pregnancy should be highly avoided as it probably harms the baby.
It means that you're smoking weed.
Women shouldn't be smoking weed period, so the answer is no and no. If you know of someone smoking weed report them to the police.
Smoking weed also has side effect which is given below:- 1.These smoking weed cause harmful effect to insects . 2.these smoking weed also has harmful effects on human health as these cause serious health problem such as poor digestion and convulsion. 3.carcinogen present in smoking weed also cause cancer.