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NO never use any oil other than Crosman pellgun oil or RWS air gun oil. Other oils will slowly destroy the seals

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Q: Is rem oil safe to use in a daisy 008 co2 pistol?
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How do you fix a leaking co2 seal for a daisy power line model 1200 co2 pistol?

I suggest you go to the Daisy web page and fill out the form to get the parts you need. See the link below.

Which model daisy co2 semi auto pistol made by daisy was grey in color?

You may be asking about a Daisy Model 1700 (Copy of a Glock) It was dark Grey in color and made between 1991-1996

How do you put a powerline xt co2 pistol back together?

I would contact Daisy directly and ask them See the link below

What is the value of Daisy Power Line Model 1200 CO2 pistol?

Please state the current condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value. Give it a rating like Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent condition.

How do you remove the co2 on the daisy powerline 1200 b b pistol?

If the co2 cartridge is full unscrew the back slowly until all vapor is gone, then just unscrew the back all the way off and it will slide out.

Where can you find a replacement knob for a daisy model 454 CO2 pistol?

I would start by checking the web under "Air Gun Repair" or see the link below.

How do you get a operating manuel for a 1700 powerline daisey co2 bb pistol?

I would suggest contacting Daisy air gun directly through their Customer Service. See the link below

How do you cock a daisy powerline co2 model 1700 bb pistol?

Remove the grip on the left side of the pistol and insert a C02 bottle. Load BB's through the door at the rear of the pistol. Tip it forward and push the lever ( It's in front of the trigger) to allow the BB to load. Aim and fire

How do you install bbs in model 1200 co2 daisy pistol?

On the back of the pistol you will find a long lever, slide it to one side and load in your BBs. Under the barrel you will find a thumb loader to load each shot into the firing chamber between each shot.

What happens when a daisy 1200 air pistol blows out the CO2 cartridge every time you install it?

the C02 seal is shot. time to install a new seal. check with customer service at the link below.

How do you load the 35 round cartridge for the Daisey M2001 Powerline CO2 Pellet Rifle?

I have researched this model and can not find any Daisy m2001 powerline. They did make a model 2003 that fired 35 rounds. it was made between 1995 and 2001. It was semi automatic. But it was a pistol not a rifle. If this is your pistol I suggest that you contact Daisy directly (800) 713-2479 and ask for an owners manual.

Why do I have a gas leak when I install A new CO2 Cartridge In my daisy air pistol?

The seal has gone bad. Never leave a C02 cartridge in an airgun after you finish shooting it. It will eventually ruin the seal. You can contact daisy Customer service (see the link below) and ask them for advise or repair.