It takes about 1400 degrees to fuse glaze to a tile, so I doubt anyone is really glazing your floor tile.
More likely its an epoxy or some other sticky 2 part paint system, but it isn't glaze!
Tile contractors are the same thing as tile setters in that they both put tile and grout on your floor. However, each setters and contractors have their own specialty .
Generic tile cleaners are the same thing as the brand name tile cleaners , and they are more cost efficient.
If it is vinyl tile and it's latex paint, rubbing alcohol will remove it. If it is a ceramic or porcelain tile, you can carefully scrape it off or if it is also latex paint, the same thing,,,alcohol will remove it.
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The difference is a tile finisher preps the floor/wall or any thing that the tile is going to be put on and a tile setter is the man or woman that sets the tile in place wear they need to be...just a quick basic run down .!
A blank tile is worth nothing. Sorry!
Tile does not have to be laid the same way in two different rooms. Having said that, if the two rooms join each other the tile really should be laid in the same fashion in both to avoid looking esthetically incorrect.
It's no different on drywall than it is on any other surface. You spread the cement the same way, you apply the tile the same way.
The first thing you want to do is be sure that the original tile is secure and even. If it is loose, or uneven the new tile may pop out or crack under normal wear and tear. If it is uneven or unsecure you can lay a sub-floor to give the new tile a even base.
form_title­= Tile That Looks Like Wood form_header= Find tile that looks like wood. How much does the tile that looks like wood cost?*= _ [50] Does the tile that looks like wood come in different colors?*= () Yes () No Where can I buy tile that looks like wood?*= _ [50]
White mortar is the same as gray except it has been bleached. White thinset is needed if you are using a light tile with light grout.
when a square of something,how big it is like if you want square tile you mesuare the tile and all the other ones are the same.