i think there is a possibility. he once said (in an episodein which the prank was they had to find their 'wife') "Guys, we live in an enlightened society......i can't find my husband." i don't think so but maybe
They are from Impractical Jokers.
No! He is 100% straight. Sexuality aside, he does have Super AIDS, but it was contracted from an infected mosquito while fishing on New York's Staten Island.
It is not known if Murr from Impractical Jokers only dates black girls. He does not give out details to his personal life. He has stated Rosario Dawson is his dream girl.
Impractical Jokers :)
James Murray does not tell the name of the girl he is dating to the public.
They are from Impractical Jokers.
They are from Impractical Jokers.
Impractical Jokers was created on 2011-12-15.
NO, but if you saw that one episode where Murr had to... It wasn't personal. He had to do it to win...
Impractical Jokers - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14
On one episode of Impractical Jokers, his friends mentioned his new girlfriend.
The hosts of the television show Impractical Jokers earn approximately $20,000 per episode. Their exact earnings are not public information.
Impractical Jokers - 2011 Scarytales 3-7 was released on: USA: 13 February 2014
Impractical Jokers - 2011 The Alliance 2-21 was released on: USA: 5 September 2013
Impractical Jokers - 2011 Out of TP 1-7 was released on: USA: 19 January 2012