NO, but if you saw that one episode where Murr had to... It wasn't personal. He had to do it to win...
i think there is a possibility. he once said (in an episodein which the prank was they had to find their 'wife') "Guys, we live in an enlightened society......i can't find my husband." i don't think so but maybe
No! He is 100% straight. Sexuality aside, he does have Super AIDS, but it was contracted from an infected mosquito while fishing on New York's Staten Island.
Gay guys eat the same types of food as everyone else, there aren't any special 'gay foods.'
Yes gay guys have sex just like any other people who want to do so.
Yes, there are gay guys in the Colorado area, as well as all other US states.
Trolling ?
No and not anywhere close to it
It's just as likely for Italian guys as any other guys on the planet.
No, he does not like guys in any way.
No. It's just common for guys to play sport.
If they're gay, then sure, why not?