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Poking somebody anywhere is dangerous. The navel is not especially sensitive.

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Q: Is poking someone in the bellybutton dangerous?
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Can poking someone in the bellybutton kill them?

Not naturally, although taking in matters such as: if there was a bomb planted in behind the bellybutton or there was a needle attached to it causing when you push it would burst your lungs. But on most occasions it would be fine.

Are Glider dangerous?

Sugar gliders are not dangerous at all. They can bite, but not on purpose. If they do, it will only hurt like someone poking you with a dull toothpick.

Are cigarettes dangerous when not lit?

As long as you aren't stupid, like poking someone his eyes out with them, they are just paper filled with tobacco, not dangerous.

Can you hurt someone by poking them in the belly button?

Yes , it does hurt. Some people get an uncomfortable feeling .Like myself , when someone pokes me in my bellybutton ...It hurts ...& the uncomfortable feeling DOES NOT go away for quite awhile .So my option would be ...Just DONT do it.

Nick are you ticklish on your bellybutton?

I widh someone would tickle my bellybutton til my belly button cheese falls out

What does forking someone mean?

Poking them with a fork.

Can you die from some someone poking you?


What does it mean to poke someone?

Well it depends, if you like someone you might be poking them to get their attention, but if they are your friend you might just be poking them to cheer them up or tease them.

Is poking someone considered a second degree assault?


Is it dangerous to peirce your own bellybutton?

absolutely!! It is dangerous to pierce anything yourself. ( oh and it's I then e not e then I ) please, go get it done perfessionaly, it will be better I believe.

Is Justin bieber's bellybutton an innie?

His bellybutton is an outie.

How do you bellybutton in Spanish?

Ombligo is the spanish word for bellybutton.