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Well it depends, if you like someone you might be poking them to get their attention, but if they are your friend you might just be poking them to cheer them up or tease them.

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Q: What does it mean to poke someone?
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What does it mean to poke someone off?

it means to finger them

What happens if you poke someone?

To poke someone is just something play to do to someone. In their profile page it will tell you you were poked by someone and you can poke them back.

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"Sundot" in Tagalog means "poke" or "stab." It is often used to describe poking or prodding someone with a finger or a pointed object.

How do you poke somebody?

some "blokes" when talking to their mates say they would like to "poke" someone. They dont mean they want to press the end of their finger into their chest, it means have sex with them. e.g. "I'd poke her" means "I would like to have sex with her"

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If you stick your tongue out, you poke it out of your mouth.

What is poking in Facebook?

it is a random and pointless BUT fun poke war. you click poke then they poke you back, it goes on and on and if some-one forgets to poke back then the other person wins the poke war!

What is a sentence for poked?

Someone will poke a finger in his eyes.I don't like to poke others.

How do you poke someone?

Option 1. Jab your finger into someone Option 2. Go onto Facebook and click 'poke back'

How can you find out if someone is dead?

poke them with a stick

What does it mean when you poke a guy in the sholder and he smiles at you?

If he was laughing, then he was probably (in a way) flirting with you. Think of it... if it was someone else who poked him, would he smile?

What are some funny and interesting responses to Poke on Facebook - like someone Poke you and you write something funny regarding that back?

Double poke x)

Is it safe for you to poke your piles?

If by "poke" you mean with your finger -- yes, if you wash your hands before and after. If you mean with some instrument, then no.