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Yes, but generally not actually throwing up

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Q: Is nausea ever a sign of pms?
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Is having the worst PMS ever a possible sign of pregnancy?

Yes, PMS can also be a sign of pregnancy providing you haven't got your period. Do a pregnancy test.

Are sore and swollen nipples just a sign of PMS?

That can be sign of pregnancy or PMS. All women are different.

Are body aches a sign of pms?

One of them.

Is the nausea and vomiting sign of pregnancy?

vomiting is definitely a sign of pregnancy but i don't know about nausea.

Why are you having nausea and cramping one week before period?

PMS- your muscles are workin down there and that gives you cramps

You are expecting your period in a week and your nipples have become darker and you have been nauseous for 3 days is this a sign of PMS or pregnancy?

This could be a sign of pms or pregnancy. The only way to be sure is take a test!

Are cramps and constipation a sign of a STD?

Not really. Sounds like PMS.

Is it a sign of pregnancy or PMS if you get cramps a week before your period is due?

definatly sign of pms ____ You CAN and SHOULD never say it is definitely a sign of this or that since it may be a sign of other things,like pregnancy,stomach upset etc,....

Can burping and gurgling in your stomach be a sign of pms?

There is a wide array of symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, and the symptoms differ from one woman to another. It is certainly possible, though not necessarily the case, that burping and gurgling in the stomach could be a sign of PMS.

Can lower back pain along with nausea and swollen breasts be a symptom of pregnancy Due for pms today has not come?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test

You have back pain your stomach feels bloated what does this mean?

Could be an early sign of pregnancy, or PMS

If your breasts become tender at 5 dpo and then the tenderness disappear at 10 dpo is it a sign of miscarriage?

No it's a sign of pms. Not pregnancy. Sorry.