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Yes... Any second hand smoke or smoke in it's own is harmful to a child... NOT just marijuana smoke but any type if smoke at all can cause breathing difficulties, Asthma, pneumonia, respiratory problems and so on... Frequent exposure will most likely cause at least one of these issues... Tobacco smoke is very bad, (even second hand mixed with marijuana) not only can it cause one of the above problems, but can also cause cancer, Heart disease, stroke and so on...

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10y ago

Not very much if you discount the tobacco that may be mixed with it. The only 'serious' claim that just being around pot users can affect your own system was made by an athlete who had failed his drug test and who claimed it was because he had attended parties where pot had been smoked.

Unless you were to be surrounded by people blowing marijuana fumes in your face in an unventilated room, you should be fine.

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11y ago

Yes. Any kind of smoke inhalation can be a health hazard.

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11y ago

Seeing as first hand marijuana smoke has no negative side effects, it's second hand smoke is not at all dangerous.

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Q: Is marijuana second hand smoke bad?
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Is second hand marijuana smoke harmful to pregnant women?

I dont believe second hand Marijuana does anything bad to the baby when you are pregnant. Second hand smoke from Tobacco is infinitely worse for you than second hand Marijuana.

Is second hand smoke from marijuana harmful to infants?

It's not as bad as second hand smoke from cigarettes, but it's still pretty unhealthy, especially for an infant.

If I haven't smoke marijuana in the last few months but may have inhaled second hand smoke will it show up in a hair test?

Possibly yes. My advice is to never NEVER use drugs or smoke. If you knew the bad and terrible stuff that marijuana can do to you then I would recomend for you not to use marijuana. I shouldn't even explain to you how bad marijuana can do to you or possibly....kill you.....A standard hair test goes back 90 days, but they can go back longer. It is possible for second hand smoke, either because you inhaled or because it got absorbed into the hair, to cause a positive result.

Is second hand smoke from marijuana bad for people who already have lung disease?

No, there are no known side affects from marijuana. Its nothing like cigarette smoke. And no long term health problems have been proven orfound in scientific studies. Perfectly safe. But illegal.

Is second had smoke from cigars bad for you?

Yes. Second hand smoke is just as deadly as smoking the cigar yourself.

Is it bad to smoke marijuana while taking Monistat 7 for my yeast infection yes or no?

It bad to smoke marijuana - simple!

Is it bad for little kids to smoke?

Of course it is. Even second hand smoke can cause health problems.

Can your daughter get second hand marijuana smoke from your body after you smoke?

no!! 2nd hand smoke is the smoke you exhale or residual smoke from you cigarette/joint and is only bad when inhaled. smoking anything will leave residue on your clothes that may smell but this is not smoke it is just a smell and can cause no damage to anyone else. it might smell strong and make it obvious you have been getting stoned but that it all it can do

Is 2nd hand smoke bad if you breathe through your nose?

YES, second hand smoke is dangerous breathed in regardless of nose or mouth. In fact second hand smoke has been proven to be just as harmful as if you were smoking yourself.

Does marijuana block your mind?

Is it bad for people in this world to smoke marijuana.

How bad is second hand smoke?

If on a scale from 1-10 then I will say 9

How bad is second hand smoke to have around you while pregnant?

On a scale of 1-10 ; -10. It's harmless as second-hand.