Well, I don't think marijuana affects your chances of becoming a successful or a healthy person. I am a 19 year old UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA HONORS STUDENT (meaning my grade point average is above a 3.75) and I continue to simultaneously smoke weed and do well in school. In addition I find my social life alive and really well (including my relationship with my parents who also know about my smoking habits). I started smoking cannabis at age 16 and still found enough motivation to prepare my school work, act responsibly, and keep my part-time job. Throughout high school I found a method to organize myself in order to succeed and make my way to college. I received scholarships to plenty of universities including Emory and University of Boston. Back in high school I smoked only during the weekends and now in college I smoke more (perhaps 4-7 a week) now that I know exactly how this herb works, and because I still have enough drive to do my work (besides the point that you can get away with so many things in college than in any other period of life). Also, more people in college smoke, so it is way more available. ;D I find that smoking weed is a personal choice just like drinking and cigarettes are, therefore it should be legalized. The government could make prosperous profits from it and help pump an eco-friendly economy, since marijuana (cannabis) can also be used for textiles, foods, paper, building materials, that do not affect the environment as badly as other materials do, as well as permiting safe recreational activities. I also drink some, and I acknowledge that I get way more rambunctious with alcohol (and bother more people) than when I'm high. Just like anything else in life, marijuana should be used without excess. I rest my case.
The largest study of the health effects of marijuana to date was done by Kaiser Permanente. They studied the health records of 65,000 patients over a number of years. They found no significant differences between the health histories of those who smoked pot versus those who did not smoke marijuana.
Marijuana and Mortality
Every major government commission report on marijuana from around the world over the last 100 years has concluded that marijuana prohibition was based on racism, ignorance, and nonsense. They all said the marijuana laws should have been repealed long ago because they do more harm than good. They all concluded that marijuana is not a significant threat to health.
Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy - http://druglibrary.org/schaffer/Library/studies/studies.htm
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