French kissing is not sexual. Sexual contact iinvolves the sex organs, while French kissing is more of an oral stimulation.
no, you need sexual contact to become pregnant, yo u cannot get pregnant from kissing someone
Absolutely. A kiss on the cheek is a gesture of friendship and is not typically interpreted as a sexual advance. A kiss on the lips is a sexual advance particularly if the kiss lingers and/or involves parted lips and tongues.
Direct contact includes touching, biting, kissing, and sexual contact.
An air kiss is a gesture in which the lips are pursed as if kissing someone, but without making contact.
No not just from kissing on the lips. But it could lead to intercourse which yes can lead to pregnancy.
While kissing in the lips its express our feeling so they like it
do we get hiv virus through short lips to lips
Ummm on their lips?
Some peoples lips swell after kissing, other's don't. There is nothing wrong with it.
Open mouth kissing involves the use of tongue and more intimate contact between mouths, while closed mouth kissing is more reserved and lips remain closed. Open mouth kissing is considered more passionate and intimate, while closed mouth kissing is typically more innocent and gentle.
No It should be on the cheek or forehead in my opinion. On the lips is a little weird. There is nothing wrong or weird with a Father kissing his Daughter on the lips as a sign of affection.