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i think i am pregnant and i have all the sign of a pregnt but my test is negative.after how many weeks can i take a pregnant test?

hello there=] wait until you are due for ur period or just after, i am told that's as soon as you can be sure about results. or go to the doctor and ask doctor to give you a hcg blood serum test, this can detect pregnancy within a couple weeks after conception i have been told as early as 10 days after concieving even. but to be real sure u need to wait, i kno no woman wants to stress or wait n worry but its a process and its just a wait n see kind of thing, i lothe the wait myself lol i feel prego with all new symptoms but worry they may be just my system acting up!! good luk tho=]

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Q: Is it too soon to take a pregnancy test?
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Could it be to soon to take pregnancy test if it was only 2-3 weeks ago?

It is not too soon. Most pregnancy test will be sensitive enough to pick up hormone levels at this stage. Read the pack or ask the pharmacist to be certain.

Is four days too soon to test for pregnancy?

Yes. If you are pregnant you will be likely to get a false negative. Most women will test positive with a home pregnancy test at around 3 to 6 weeks of pregnancy.

What about if youre pregnant but it is too soon to show up on a test and you take the shot?

If you think that's a possibility, you repeat the pregnancy test in two weeks. Depo provera will not end or harm an existing pregnancy; if you're pregnant, you can still choose to continue or end the pregnancy.

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yes in the beginning if it is too soon the pregnancy test will barley show up it happened too me.

Can you take a pregnancy test one day and it say not pregnant then two days later take one then be pregnant?

Yes. It depends on when you do it. If you did it too soon the results are not accurate. You should wait to see if you miss a period and then redo the test.

Is 10 days after possible conception too early for an accurate result of pregnancy test?

Yes, 10 days after conception may be too early to get an accurate result on a pregnancy test. It's generally recommended to wait until after you've missed your period to take a pregnancy test for the most reliable results.

You took a pregnancy test it says its negative but you feel like you are is the test wrong?

It maybe too soon for there to be enough hCG, wait a week and test again.

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Could you still be pregnant if you took a home pregnancy test 4 days after intercourse and a blood test 5 days after and they both came back negative and did you just take the tests too soon?

you are best to test for pregnancy after the first day of your period being late this will then give you a accurate reading.

What pain medications can give a false negative on a pregnancy test?

Pain medication will not cause a pregnancy test to be falsely negative, using the test too soon can cause a false negative. Wait 3 or 4 days, if your period doesn't come take the test again, make sure you are following all directions precisely.

Does the mini pill cause false negative pregnancy result?

No. Taking the test too soon causes false negative.