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Depending on what your doctor believes it may/may not be safe to jump into another pregnancy right after having a miscarriage. A miscarriage is a hard thing to come back from and you might not want to jump back into something that your body might not be ready for. I would suggest taking some time off for you and then when your health and spirits are back up, talk to your partner about what affect this will have on you guys if you decide to try again.

I think it is wonderful that you want to try again, I wish you all the luck in the world. But just do yourself a favor and take a couple weeks off and just focus on you and your health. It will make you stronger in the future when you try again.

Good luck.

You maywant to talk to your gynocologist about considering a "D and C". D and C is a procedure to scrape and collect the tissue (endometrium) from inside the uterus. This procedure may be indicated for the removal of any remaining fetal or placental tissue after a spontaneous abortion.

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Q: Is it safe to get pregnant 10 days after an early miscarriage and before your period?
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What is the difference between a chemical pregnancy and miscarriage?

nothing! a chemical pregnancy is one that is lost early on before most people even know they are pregnant. a chemical pregnancy is normally lost before or around the time of your period. a miscarriage is a pregnancy lost before 20 weeks. a chemical pregnancy is still a miscarriage anyway you look at it. hope this helps! nothing! a chemical pregnancy is one that is lost early on before most people even know they are pregnant. a chemical pregnancy is normally lost before or around the time of your period. a miscarriage is a pregnancy lost before 20 weeks. a chemical pregnancy is still a miscarriage anyway you look at it. hope this helps!

What does it mean if you don't get your period but your spotting?

Spotting usually happens when a woman was pregnant, and lost the baby/had a miscarriage early in the pregnancy.

You thought you were pregnant but your period came a week earlier than normal did you have a miscarriage?

The same thing happened to me. I know i had sex during ovulation and here i am today, a week before i should start my period, and i just started.....?? I'm always regular, so is it possible that I'm having a super early miscarriage?

May have had a miscarriage you passed tissue but you did not save it and didnt think anything of it until you just started your period again i had no other signs or symptoms of a miscarriage?

Were you diagnosed as pregnant? If you were in fact pregnant and now started you period again you "did" have a miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy a miscarriage is not always going to have any major symptioms. Discharging tissue could be something else if you weren't pregnant. I would see a doctor if you continue to have such discharge in the future.

Did you miscarry if you had signs of pregnancy then one day they stopped and your next period was heavy and you passed small clots?

I had an early miscarriage (I was trying to get pregnant, and took the 5 days before your missed period test and it was positive) and miscarried 3 weeks later. My doctor said like 50% of women have an early miscarriage, they don't even know they are pregnant until they have a heavy clotty period the next month. So yes, you could have. I am sorry. But it could just be a more heavier period, (stress can cause that)

Can you have a miscarriage and not know you were pregnant?

Sure. If it occurs early enough on the pregnancy it'll just look like an extra bad/heavy period.

I had a very early miscarriage last month now I'm 4 days late am i prego?

Most likely no. You have to start ovulating again before you can get pregnant again. After my miscarriage I was 10 days late for my next period. Your cycle will be very irregular at least for a little while.

One faint positive test at the doctors office followed by six negatives and a negative blood test Still no period what could be wrong?

I am sorry but it could have been an early miscarriage. I also had one, and found out in nearly 50% of early pregnancies they end in miscarriage, and many times before the women even knows she is pregnant.

What if my period was 5 days early and you had intercous the 2 days before can you still get pregnant?

No you can't get pregnant.

What does it mean when you bleed a few days before your suppose to have your period but then you have your period on the right time too?

it could mean early miscarriage if you were trying to get pregnant, but it also can me your period was coming on early. I spotted for 3 days a week before my period so it came on, on time.. but some who have sex alot have vaginal bleeding from the penis rubing on the walls to hard..Rough sex can cause that or position of the body or a slight infection has occur

If your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

if your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

Is it possible to be pregnant after your second period after a 2nd trimester miscarriage if your period is light but you still have period symptoms and pregnancy test is negative?

They say that you can have a very heavy period and that is a sign of early miscarriage. Most woman have a miscarriage early in the first 3 weeks and didnt even know they were pregnant. They just thank that they are having a very heavy period and then they experience spotting also. More then 50% of pregnancy dont make it past the first 4 weeks and most woman dont ever know that they were expecting. From everything that I have read its not common to bleed heavy if your pregnant. I would check with your doctor. If you feel that you may be pregnant he-she can do a blood test.