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yes i believe it is possible to have a positive then 3 negatives. I tested on fri as positive with FR then hour later did it again as the line was faint and my friend said try again it was the same but faint, I did another Saturday morning it was negative and then another monday morn neg again. All FR test. Ive been trying 15 months. Im going to doc in morn i think i might have a chemical pregnancy.

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9mo ago

Yes, it is possible to have a false positive pregnancy test result followed by subsequent negative results due to various reasons such as a chemical pregnancy, a faulty test, or testing too early or late in the cycle. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance.

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Q: Is it possible to have A positive pregnancy test and then 3 negatives?
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Can you test positive with a urine pregnancy test and negative on the blood?

Yes, it is possible to have a positive result on a urine pregnancy test and a negative result on a blood pregnancy test. This could be due to differences in the sensitivity of the tests or the timing of the tests relative to the hormone levels in the body. It is recommended to confirm with a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

How it is possible for some one to test negative on a simple urine test and positive on the standard test?

It is possible if a person has recently used a drug that is detected by the standard test but not the simple urine test. The standard test is more sensitive and can detect lower levels of drugs or metabolites in the urine. Timing of drug use, metabolism rates, and the detection thresholds of the two tests can all contribute to this discrepancy.

What can you put in your urine to get a positive pregnancy test?

Introducing substances into your urine to fake a positive pregnancy test, such as medications or hormones, is not advisable and could have harmful consequences. It's important to use a pregnancy test honestly and consult healthcare professionals if you have concerns about pregnancy.

How can you make a pregnancy test come out positive?

Attempting to manipulate a pregnancy test to produce a false positive result is dishonest and can have serious consequences. It is important to use a pregnancy test as directed and to seek medical guidance for accurate results.

Is it possible for a negative pregnancy test result to indicate that you are not pregnant?

Yes, a negative pregnancy test result typically indicates that you are not pregnant at the time of the test.

Related questions

Can a positive test result be false?

False positive pregnancy tests are VERY RARE! False negatives are more common, especially when the test is done too soon after conception. If you have a negative pregnancy test and don't start your period redo the test in 3 days.

Can you get a negative positive pregnancy test?

It is possible. Pregnancy tests are never 100%. Depending on which one you used will depend on the accuracy of the answer. Another factor is how long it's been since your last period. False Positives and Negatives do sometimes occur though.

Is it possible for nexium to give a false positive pregnancy test result?


What is going on if you were taking Yasmine for over a year and you kept getting infections so your doctor changed you to a low dose and you've had one positive test but the rest negative?

Hiya there! A positive pregnancy test means HCG has been detected and that you are pregnant. Whether you get negatives after a positive, you still need to contact your doctor for a blood test to confirm if you are indeed pregnant or not. It is possible you got negatives because your HCG was low when you did the test. Please see your doctor for confirmation. Good luck.

Can positive pregnancy tests means something other then pregnancy?

Yes, home pregnancy tests can produce both false positives and false negatives. If a home pregnancy test is positive, you should see a gynecologist to have the pregnancy confirmed as soon as you can.

Is it possible to be positive on a ovulation test and a week later get a positive pregnancy test?

After your ovulation takes place, you'll need to wait at least 10 days to take a pregnancy test and, hopefully, get positive results. Good luck!

Is it possible to be 10 weeks pregnant and get a negative urine test if you do?

Some women do not get a positive pregnancy test will late in their pregnancy , if even. A blood pregnancy test is the best way to go.

If you have a positive pregnancy test is it possible to still have the hcg hormone in your system from your last pregnancy if your baby is 5 months old?

In most cases, a positive pregnancy test 5 months after a birth represents a new pregnancy. There is a rare condition called gestational trophoblastic disease that rarely occurs after a normal pregnancy that can cause a persistent positive test. This condition is very rare. If you have a positive pregnancy test, you should go see your doctor to confirm the status of pregnancy. A positive pregnancy test 5 months after birth is not normal and represents a new pregnancy or a problem of some kind.

Is cramping a sign of pregnancy on the IUD?

No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.

Is it possible to get a false positive when you take a pregnancy test at a clinic or hospital?

Yes, both false positives and negatives can happen at reliable clinics. Sometimes the reagents used for the test may be old, improperly stored or handled, causing the problem. On the other hand, home pregnancy tests are notoriously inaccurate. Anything is possible; however, they're usually always right. Sometimes home tests may not be able to detect the pregnancy hormone. If you are pregnant, congratulations, and be very happy!

Where can you find a list of medications that cause false negatives on home pregnancy test?

can atenolol cause a false negative on a pregnancy test

Home pregnancy test said positive but dr's said negative?

The positive was done wrong, or the 4 negatives were done wrong. if you get one positive it means you are more than likely pregnant. You are more likely to get a false negative than a false positive.