They usually cauterize the inside of the nose, far away from any of the normal piercing spots, so it should be fine, but if you knock it around a lot it may cause more damage
It is rare, but possible. What ever may be the method of tube ligation, tubes are known to unite. The result is pregnancy. The reason is simple. It is the nature of the tubes to restore the original status.
I would say it may hurt considering you should be waiting six to eight weeks before changing the jewellery in a new nostril piercing.
No. It also depends on the piercing, if you are talking about a cheek piercing and it's oozing clear fluid well my friend you asked for it. If you cheek piercings are oozing clear fluid then you have pierced the saliva ducts in the cheeks and you will need to see your Doctor to have the piercing removed and the cauterized. Simply removing the jewellery will not repair the damage that has been done, see your Doctor.
The Bible does not specify exactly where. It has been suggested that He was pierced between the ribs and up into the heart.
If the procedure is done correctly, no, you cannot get pregnant after tubal ligation, cauterization, & ligation. Ths means that your fallopian tubes have been cut, cauterized, and tied to prevent eggs from traveling from your ovaries to your uterus.
Ariana Grande got her ears pierced when she was a baby. The exact date has not been made public knowledge.
How long has it been pierced
The age of Miley Cyrus when she had her ear pierced is unknown. It has been rumored that she had her ears pierced when she was 8-10 years old.
There are various reasons that King Tutankhamun might have had his ear pierced. For example, it might have been simply an aesthetic choice like it is today.