Yes, it is just like second hand smoke from cigarettes, you inhale the second hand smoke from the weed, and even though it is diluted and most of the THC is gone, there is still enough to lightly phase a non smoker. If you are a chronic pot smoker, don't count on getting a contact high.
Yes, it is possible to experience a contact high from synthetic marijuana if you are exposed to secondhand smoke or vapor. The psychoactive effects of synthetic marijuana can be transferred through inhalation or skin contact with the substance.
While it is possible to experience mild effects by being around people smoking marijuana, it is unlikely to get a contact high from being near marijuana smokers. The levels of THC (the psychoactive compound in marijuana) that are inhaled through secondhand smoke are generally too low to produce a significant high.
No, contact high from marijuana cannot be detected on a urine test. Urine tests only detect the presence of specific marijuana metabolites in the urine, which are produced when marijuana is internally metabolized by the body.
ummm NO. its the THC in marijuana that gets you high and and you have to ingest it somehow either eating, drinking, or smoking marijuana, hash, etc.
It is unlikely for traces of marijuana to get into your system from just being around someone who is wearing clothing that has been in contact with the substance. However, if you are in an enclosed space with heavy marijuana smoke, it is possible for trace amounts to be inhaled and detected on a drug test.
Yes, it is possible to experience a contact high from synthetic marijuana if you are exposed to secondhand smoke or vapor. The psychoactive effects of synthetic marijuana can be transferred through inhalation or skin contact with the substance.
Contact high from marijuana
While it is possible to experience mild effects by being around people smoking marijuana, it is unlikely to get a contact high from being near marijuana smokers. The levels of THC (the psychoactive compound in marijuana) that are inhaled through secondhand smoke are generally too low to produce a significant high.
A contact high is when you smell marijuana or other illegal drugs and you are getting high from it. Although you are not smoking it. It can sometimes occur in sober individuals.
No, contact high from marijuana cannot be detected on a urine test. Urine tests only detect the presence of specific marijuana metabolites in the urine, which are produced when marijuana is internally metabolized by the body.
In very high dosses it is possible, but unlikely.
no its not sir udjust get a contact high.
If the heroin is being smoked "chasing the dragon" then contact high is possible, otherwise... No!
ummm NO. its the THC in marijuana that gets you high and and you have to ingest it somehow either eating, drinking, or smoking marijuana, hash, etc.
No marijuana cannot make them high but i hope you are not trying to get them high.....
I'm assuming you mean "will THC show up on a urine test from a contact high?" (meaning you didn't actually smoke, you were buzzed by "second-smoke") to which the answer is NO. A contact high means you have less than 5% of the THC from the entire sesh in your system.
No not a chance.Nono not at all...youll taste it in your mouth but you wont get high...thats not even possible. unless the person takes a hit and then you kiss him and he/she exhales in your mouth. in most cases that doesnt happen so no. you will not feel any different and you will definitely not fail a drug test.