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Yes - during the average 28 day cycle 3 days after menstruation would be during your fertile phase, thus pregnancy risk is very high.

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Q: Is it possible to be pregnant if you intercourse 3 days after menstruation?
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Is it safe to have intercourse 3 days before your period?

Yes. Perfectly. However, if you wanted to avoid pregnancy, then you MUST use contraception. As you can get pregnant at any point during intercourse. Whether you are on your period or not.

Can a girl get pregnant 2days before her period?

No, by the time a woman is two days off menstruation the egg is long dead - ovulation typically occurs two weeks before menstruation, and at most there is only a viable egg present for 48 hours. Typically a woman will not have fertile quality cervical mucus present at this point either. However unless a woman uses fertility awareness methods she cannot know exactly when she is fertile or when she is not, also often women can mistake vaginal bleeding for other reasons (such as ovulation bleeding) for menstruation so assume they are not pregnant when actually they may be at risk of pregnancy or already be pregnant. Long answer short is that it is not possible, however if a woman wants to avoid unwanted pregnancy she should always use birth control.

Can you get pregnant if you had unprotected sex 2 days after your period?

It is possible but less likely. This is within the period of time during the egg cycle used by those employing the "rhythm method" to avoid conception; popular with Catholics for whom other means of contraception are forbidden. During menstruation (and a couple of days thereafter) is the least likely period to fertilize the egg as one is not usually present in the womb at this time.It is not impossible to become pregnant during this time, just less likely as the unfertilised egg will not be in a prime position for fertilisation.

Could a woman ovulate 2 days after her period?

Yes. It is very hard to pinpoint ovulation. People think that is 14 days or in the middle of the cycle, but it can be up to a few days before or after menstruation. The problem with a very early ovulation is that the uterus hasn't completed building the wall for the next possible implantation.

Can i get pregnant 2 days before period?

can i get pregnant 2 days before my period starts

Related questions

Is it possible to become pregnant 3 days after menstruation?

Not really

Is it possible to know you are pregnant 3 days after intercourse?

No, not at all

Could I become pregnant after intercourse on the 13th day after my menstruation?

Yes, it is possible. Most women ovulate 12 - 14 days after the start of their period, but everyone is different and you can be fertile sooner or later from the average.

Is it possible to get pregnant if we get intercourse after four days of my period?

Yes. Sort it out mate.

Is it possible to know a woman is pregnant at two weaks pregnant?

You can determine pregnancy 14 days after intercourse.

Can a woman get pregnant two days after the last day of menstruation?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant two days after the last day of menstruation. It all depends on her menstrual cycle as to whether she is fertile that day, but it is certainly possible if no birth control is used.

Can you be pregnant if you had intercourse two days after your period without protection?

Since the ovulation is half way the menstruation cycle and takes 14 days, the chance of getting pregnant is quite small, because a sperm cell lives about 3 days and would be dead by then.

Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation?

Yes. Bodies aren't clockwork, so counting days and rhythm methods are notoriously unreliable.

Is there a chance to get pregnant 4 days after the menstruation?

you can get pregnant at anytime if you have sex(even during menstruation or even if you use "protection").

Can you get prengant your period come?

It is biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant - however it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, which you might mistake for menstruation. It is biologically impossible to get pregnant during menstruation - however it is possible to get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation as given the right environment sperm can survive in the vagina for up to 7 days, by which time you may ovulate. You may mistake ovulation bleeding for menstruation.

Is it safe to have intercourse 4 days after your period?

Only if you use protection. It's possible to get pregnant at any time.

Is it possible to get pregnant 16 days after menstruation?

Yes, it is definitely in the higher range of days to get pregnant. For a woman to get pregnant, she needs to ovulate (release a mature egg from her ovaries). For most women, ovulation occurs about 14 days after her period. But it can vary from month to month and/or for each woman. So it is possible that 16 days after your period, that you could fall pregnant.