Yes it is, but normally it would be lighter than normal and shorter.
Yes it is possible for a woman to still bleed fromher period even if pregnant. This may happen one to two times after fertilization.
it is possible to get pregnant at ANY time, even if you're on your period, it is just less likely.
It is even possible to get pregnant on your period.
Yes, it is very possible to get pregnant anytime you have intercourse. VERY RARELY do women even get pregnant while on their period.
Of course it's possible <3
YES. Even if you're actually on your period, you can get pregnant.
No, it is biologically impossible to menstruate while you're pregnant. However it is possible for you to bleed during pregnancy for a number of reasons, such as hormonal changes. If it acts like a period then it's most likely menstruation, but if concerned that you could be pregnant then take a pregnancy test to be sure.
A pregnancy test would still be positive even if you were still getting your period
Your eggs may still be dropping even if you have not had a period. Therefore it's still possible that you could get pregnant. There is also a possiblity of eptopic pregnancy, (caused by semen finding an egg in the fallopian tube.) consult your doctor to diagnose why you're not having a period.
It is possible.
It is possible you are pregnant but you may just have a "problem" so i recomend seeing a doctor or Vagina-cologist.
If you had a period chances of being pregnant are very, very small. If you are still questioning if you are pregnant, a pregnancy test would be completely reliable at this point, from sex you had May 5.