Not really
If you are pre-menopausal (menstruation/your period has not stopped), then it is possible to become pregnant.
you could definitely be pregnant. its very possible to have your period while pregnant but its also rare. but it does happen.
Immediately after menstruation it is possible to get pregnant. It is even possible to get pregnant during menstruation, though very very very unlikely. It is always possible for a woman to get pregnant as long as she has a healthy, pre-menopausal, post-pubescent, fully functioning uterus and is having sex with a man in a similar situation. However, women are more likely to get pregnant right before their period and less likely to unlikely to get pregnant during or after their period.
Yes, a woman can get pregnant immediately after her period. If she has a short menstrual cycle it is possible for her to ovulate directly after menstruation, or certainly she may be fertile directly after menstruation.
It's not really possible to delay menstruation unless you are taking birth control pills (or become pregnant, of course).
as long as the girl has her menstruation ansd is healthy she can get pregnant despite her age
It is biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant - however it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, which you might mistake for menstruation. It is biologically impossible to get pregnant during menstruation - however it is possible to get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation as given the right environment sperm can survive in the vagina for up to 7 days, by which time you may ovulate. You may mistake ovulation bleeding for menstruation.
you can get pregnant
it is possible to get pregnant at ANY time, even if you're on your period, it is just less likely.
u wanna try?