If you are pre-menopausal (menstruation/your period has not stopped), then it is possible to become pregnant.
Isn't that WHY you are taking Clomid? Women take Clomid to try and get pregnant. According to my conversations with my doctor, you are NOT too old at age 47 to get pregnant. If your eggs are still viable (in good condition) then, you can get pregnant. I hope you were taking Clomid to try and conceive, if not, then why?
It depends on the woman! I've gotten pregnant at 46 and 47 without trying!
47 47 47
Yes, what makes you think a women at 47 or older cannot get pregnant? If a women still has her monthlly menstrual cycle, then she can get pregnant..but sometimes there are complications at birth.
47 smth
lord nelson died at the age of 47. everyone dies some day
Yes you can. but, harder for a woman at 47 to get pregnant
if you are pregnant and you are 47 none!!!!!!
A girl can get pregnant at the age of 12. If a girl has went through puberty they can get pregnant.
most teenagers get pregnant at age 15