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Well... There are a couple of reasons that I can come up with. Either he is so comfortable in your relationship that he forgets about all the affectionate things that he used to do, you may just bring it up in a casual "non-accusing" way, and ask him why he doesn't hug or kiss your anymore, and that he doesn't tell you that he loves you. I know this is hard, but in the long run, it will be easier to ask now then to worry yourself sick about it anymore. On the other hand, he may be doing some dirty work. Just ask him about it. Try not to be accusing, just incase he is confused about the relationship. Everyone gets scared and changes their mentality about a relationship. Just ask him. Hope this helps.

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Q: Is it over if you have been with your boyfriend over 2 years and he acts like he doesn't love you because he never tells you or shows affection and what should you do?
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