Dont forget him. You need to talk to him, tell him how you feel about how he is treating you. :)
You should let him make the 1st move.But if he doesnt then you should talk to him about it. Talking helps your relationship. But if that doesnt work you make the first move .
if he is not talking to you the only thing u can do is talk to him, if he doesnt talk to u bak then u should prolly break up wit him
hes a homo
Ignors you and doesnt talk to you.
doesnt matter if there in it or not. just talk. hes you EX boyfriend. who cared what he thinks.
if he doesnt talk about it much, doesnt bring it up during conversation.
that sucks. i guess you should just talk to him and ask him why he doesnt want to, like if he just isn't ready or if its you.. no offense!
you know when she doesnt talk to you that much and she doesnt let you hug her or kiss her and she runs away alot that's when you know she has another boyfriend
He could be liking you the best he knows how, or he simply doesn't like you as much as you think he does. You should have a serious talk with him.
if he is always inching away from you. If he doesnt pay much attention to you, or doesnt talk to you alot.
it means he doesnt love you.... or in other words hes attracted to someone else..
You should be able to talk about everything. A boyfriend should be your best friend as well as your boyfriend. So you should be able to talk about planes, cars, girls, boys, family, friends, and everything inbewteen.