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You could but only if you love someone do it.


One egg cell is released from either of your ovaries every month. The only way you can get pregnant is if a sperm cell from a man's semen penetrates this egg cell.

The egg cell might not come out with your period blood right away. The egg might not come out with the blood until the 3rd day of your period, or even the 4th. You really can't know, either way. And if the egg cell hasn't come out yet, there's a chance you could still get pregnant. And this is not the kind of thing you take chances with.

So, unless you want to get pregnant, the best thing to do would be to use condoms if you have sex on your period, the same way you would if you weren't on your period.

And if you really don't want to use condoms (and if you really trust the person you're sleeping with enough to feel reasonably certain they don't have any diseases) then you should at least use the pill.

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Q: Is it okay to have unprotected sex on your period?
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just have it again and again and again 4 times a month!!

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It's okay to have protected sex at any point in your cycle, even when you are on your period!