It is all a mater of judgment, if the 18 year old and the 30 year old truly love each-other and believe they can overcome the difficulties then there is nothing stopping them.
The situation becomes debatable when the younger has judgment disabilities.
No, it is illegal to date someone of more that 3 years of age difference.
No, he only dates girls who havn't gone through puberdy yet, being a pedofile and everything... But seriously it's drake fickin bell, if you don't know him enough personally to know if we would date an 18 year old girl or not, then you will most likely never even meet him!
The U.S. release date was November 18, 1990.
Maybe depending on what state they live in. Many states the age of consent is 16 while others is 18. This means if the age of consent is 18 a 16 year old dating a 28 year old adult could mean jail time for the adult. I would wonder why a person who is nearly 30 years old would be interested in a person 16 considering the age difference. Life experience is part of a relationship and a 16 year old is just learning about life and dating. This is a big gap for a long lasting relationship.
Right now (year 2010) she is 18 years old.
eww, no
no because she or he is to young for a 18 year old boyfriend or gilfriend.
There are no laws about dating.
You are both single adults and do as you wish.
Yes. An 18 year old is a legal adult in every jurisdiction, so far as I know. Therefore, an 18 year old could date a 99 year old legally.
Yes your both considered adult age
No because you can go to jail for that because he is older then the age of 18 and you are younger then the age of 18
it is alright but there must be consent from the 17 year olds parents
Yes, as long as the 15 year old turns 16 before the 17 year old turns 18.
No. Until he turns 18, and but with the minors parents permission it is okay.
Tecnically it's not illegal unless they are having sex, but if there not than i guess it's okay!
Yes it is okay if your parents says it's okay and make sure your atleast 18 and older to have sex with that person because if your under 18 it's considered rape.