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There are no laws about dating.

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Q: Is it okay that a 16 year old date a 18 year old girl?
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Is it okay for a 12 year old girl to date a 15 year old boy?

Yeah, I guess.

Is it okay for 32 year old man to date 22 year old girl?

You are both adults and do as you wish. And at 22 she is not a girl but a woman.

Is it okay for a 17 year old to date a 23 year old?

It is okay for a 17 year old to date a 23 year old

Is it okay for a 18 year old boy to date a 21 year old girl?

Yes your both considered adult age

Is it okay for a 18 old girl to date a 17 year old male?

it is alright but there must be consent from the 17 year olds parents

Is it wrong for a 16 year old boy to date an eleven year old girl?

YES , what type of attraction do you get from an 11 year old girl? She's not even a teenager yet , it's okay to date younger girls but that is too young.

Is it okay that a 17 year old girl date a 16 year old?

If the girl is over 16 and if the boy is over 10 you can do what ever you wanna do and you can go out with any aged people!

Is it okay for an 11 year old girl to date an older guy?

Yes it is, but only if he is within a year or so of the younger party.

Would Prince Royce date a 14 year old girl?

Probably not, you are underage. It is okay to dream though.

Is it okay for a 20 year old male to date a 17 year old girl in georgia?

Yes it is okay, but sexual acts with a minor is illegal in the United States, so for that you will have to wait a year. But other than that it is fine.

Is it illegal for a 14 year old girl to date a 17 year old guy in Maine?

No. Until he turns 18, and but with the minors parents permission it is okay.

Would it be okay for a 16 year old girl to date a 13 year old guy considering they've known each other for all of his life?

no it is not