Yes, it's okay if you started your period and hump a pillow. There is no reason to think that this wouldn't be okay, both are normal and don't effect each other.
ok im 13 and i look at porn and hump a pillow and its totally ok so dont worry if you happen to do it too!
It is perfectly ok to make out with a pillow.
yeah its fine just means you went through puberty quicker
yes. As long as you haven't had sex you will be fine, your next period should occur in the following 28 days.
You really should of taken the pill the day your period started so it doesnt alter your cycle. But yes its ok but your period may be late next month.
you should go to the doc fast it happend to my bff shes ok now
poo and caca
if he wanted to and the women was ok with it yes
Depends on if it's legal where you live. Laws varies through countries and states.
yes as long as you dont have head problems or a concusion but if you dont it is okay
As long as you used protection during that week you should be fine.
in winter its started ok ppl in winter its started ok ppl