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Yes, it's completely normal not to have your period at the age of 14 years old. The average age of menarche (first period) is 13 years old but anything up to 16 years old is considered within normal range.

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Q: Is it normal to not have your period at 14?
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Is it normal to not get your period when your 14?

yes :)

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is it normal to still have your period at 54 and do you have a period longerin life because you started at 14?

Is it normal to not have started your period at 14?

yes. the "normal" or "average" range is 9-16

Havent had a normal period since May 14 hardly bleed at all when you get your period?

same with me.

Is ovulation always 8 days after a normal period?

No. It's 14 days BEFORE the first day of your next period.

When is fertility days?

you have to chart your period it is about 14 days before your next period if you have a normal cycle if you dont have a normal cycle you could use an ovulation kit to see when you are fertile.

Is it normal for a 14 year old who has had ther period for over a year to miss their period?

Sometimes your period can be a little late. If you've started playing sports, it's normal if you miss a period or two. I've gone through it myself.

What is wrong if you've been off Depo for 14 months and you want to conceive but you haven't had a period yet and your hormone levels are normal?

I would call or go back to my doctor to make sure that it is normal not to have a period for 14 months after being off depo.

When is normal for girl to have their period?

Somewhere between 8-14 years. Most are around 11-12.

What happens if your period is over 14 days?

contact a docter, this is not normal, the longest you should have it for is around 7 days

Can a woman gets pregnant after menstruation period?

Woman normally gets pregnant on the day 14, if the periods of 28 days duration. On the day 16, if the period are of 30 days duration. That is you get the period after 14 days of ovulation in normal course. That is rare to get pregnancy just after period. But it is possible to get pregnancy just after the period.

You are a 14 year old girl and you have only had your period twice but it has been well over 60 days since your last one is this normal?

Yes, this is very normal.