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Yes I would say that it is normal because with my second pregnancy I found out that I was 10 weeks pregnant because of my nipples leaking white fluid which seemed like milk...I wasnt aware that I could have that symptom but its possible..I took a pregnancy test as soon as I noticed the leakage and I was pregnant.

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Q: Is it normal to have secretion from your breasts as early as 2 or 3 months pregnancy?
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I'm not positive about that but you might wanna take a pregnancy test. Those are signs of pregnancy.

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I don't know, but I have had the same issue lately. My breasts exploded 4 cup sizes up to this 7th months and now have started shrinking!?!

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No it's not normal, these symptoms are cause by pregnancy. Good luck!

Is extremely sore breasts during early pregnancy normal?

yes, very normal

In 4 months of pregnancy you found clear liquids from your nipples but when its come together with a little of blood and white liquid like milk recently is that normal?

Breast go through a series of changes during pregnancy. It is normal to experience liquid secretion durnig pregnancy. It begins with clear fluid and develops milk.

Can pregnancy last 10 months?

A normal pregnancy lasts 10 months since it's 40 weeks.

If you breasts are sore could you be pregnant?

Yes you could, you get all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy.

How doctors treat during pregnancy in 7 months when you have vaginal secretions?

It is normal for this to happen during pregnancy. Your doctor will not treat this. He will say it is normal for you.

Are sore breasts before period is due is it too early for a pregnancy test?

Sore breasts before period is normal. If you miss your period, take a test

Is it normal for you vagina to hurt during you pregnancy when you 8 months?

Yes it is.

When do breasts go back to normal size if not breast feeding?

Pregnancy will cause breast changes, they may not ever go back to "normal" or pre pregnancy size. And they will never be pre-pregnancy shape. Many people assume breastfeeding causes the breasts to sag which is completely false. It is preganancy, age, heredity and weight loss/gain.