No. You do not have a period if you're pregnant. My mother had 6 children, and she had her periods through 3 of the pregnancies - I don't know how long or "normal" her periods were (she died some years ago) but I do know that she was 5 months pregnant with me before she realized she was pregnant!
No. Two normal heavy periods and no symptoms of pregnancy sound like your definitely not pregnant.
not usually because if you do have them they are usually lighter than prepregnancy.
i say yes you can, and the reason i say this is because i had three periods while i was pregnant with my son, as well did my mom while pregnant twith me.
If a women is pregnant than she will miss all of her periods, until she gives birth. then she will have a period every 28 days like normal
No, you are not pregnant. Sometimes Periods are just a little irregular, it is normal though.
If you are pregnant then you shouldn't be having periods, I advise that you go and visit your doctor to find out what is going wrong.
If you are young, very thin, have been very sick, are nearing menopause or pregnant they are.
No, you can definitely get pregnant. I go 4 to 5 months without periods and I just found out I am pregnant. You can still ovulate even if you don't have a period. Good luck if you're trying to get pregnant.. if not, make sure you are still careful!!
It can take months for your periods get back to normal, especially if you are breast feeding you can miss periods or have long times between them. You can still get pregnant while breast feeding and having irregular periods though so you should still use contraception.
If you had sex yes you could be pregnant. A normal period is generally a sign that you are not pregnant but some women have periods throughout. Have a test done if you have any questions?