It is completely normal.
The International Headache Society does not recognize a diagnosis of Acupressure Headache or Normal Headache. There are many different types of headache disorders however, and some types may be triggered by acupressure.
the pain start before the period 2 days, and all my joints hurt a lot...all my bones...sometimes headache is it normal to have all these symptoms, am 41 years old
refractory period.
Headaches can happen anytime during whole day or night. So it can happen during allergies too.
It is normal to feel like you want to have sex on your period. A woman's hormones are going wild when on their period.
this is normal you can't really stop it and it's only during your period if you are really worried consult your doctor
Yes it is normal. Before I got pregnant every period I had my breat would hurt.
Yeah, I reckon. My pee's usually cloudy before my period, but during, it's pretty normal. Hard to tell though.
Hi :-) Yes, this is normal. There is no time limit for when you start your period during the sugar pills. As long as you start your period during the seven day worth of sugar pills then this is normal.
No. Cramping before and during your period is normal, but not after. You should see a doctor.
Due to pressure, you can get a headache