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It is not necessarily abnormal, but should be discussed with your doctor anyway.

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Q: Is it normal to have black period blood?
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What do you do when your blood is black?

If you have black blood from your period that is normal if it comes out when your not on your period than go to your doctor and get checked.

What does brownish black blood mean as the first day of your period?

Brownish black blood on first day of your period is normal. This means that it is blood that may have stayed for a while in the urine folds or blood that was there for a while waiting to be released.

Why do you have black blood instead of red during your period?

jK its normal... its just old blood coming out instead of new blood

Is it normal for your period to be almost black?

Yes its perfectly normal. Its basically rotten blood, that's why your body gets rid of it!

Is it normal for my second period ever to have stringy black things in it?

It is normal for menstrual flow to contain the stringy black things you have described. They are probably small blood clots.

Can blood clots delay you period?

No. Blood clots are part of a normal period.

Is it normal to eat period blood?

i do it all of the time and i think its normal.

What does it mean when your period is bright red?

That is what a normal period looks like. It's the fresh blood after the uterus wall is removed. The blood can also be rust colored when it starts to dry up and almost black in the beginning when it's old.

Why is the blood black at the beginning of your period?

its just the dead blood

Why Black blood during all the period?

Black or brown blood is just old blood. Nothing to worry about.

Is something wrong with you if your period is red and brownish black?

Not at all. Bleeding red and or brownish black while on your period is perfectly normal because when its red its just blood obviously but if its brownish black its just discharge usually occurs near the end of your period but it happens in between that's nothing to worry about :)

Can you get pregnant if you had red and brown coming out from your period?

Yes, it is normal for a period to have different shades of blood. The brown is blood dried blood and the red is new.