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No not at all. You are only supposed to have 1 a month

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Q: Is it normal to have 3 periods a month?
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Is it normal for your periods to be 3 days late?

Absolutely!!! its perfectly normal the average is to only have it every month!!!

Is it bad to have your period 2 or 3 times a month?

you might think of consulting a doctor, because it is normal to have periods only once a month

Is it normal to have month long periods with an IUD?

Not at all! It's normal to have a longer heavier period but like 2-3 days longer. You need to go to your doctor ASAP!

Reasons for 3 periods on one month?


After taking one depot shot is it normal to have 2 normal periods and then not have one that next month?

Yes ... a lot of people will have their periods completely stop while on Depo. It is considered a normal side effect of the shot.

Your daughter is 12 she started her periods is now bleeding for a month is this normal?

OK... wow! i would take her into a doc. this might not be normal.

Is it normal to have 3 periods in a 30-day period?


You have had 3 light periods in 6 weeks is this normal?


I got my periods late this month but when they started they were normal they stopped in 4 days and now on the 10th and 11th day i see heavy spotting again is it normal?

Sometimes hey have their periods interupted.

Is it normal to get a period every week of the month?

No, this is not normal. It is very important that you go and speak to your doctor or gynaecologist about it, so that they are able to regulate your periods so that they only come once a month.

What does it mean if you have 3 periods a month?

I am a male, but I KNOW that if you have 3 periods a month, with actual bleeding, you need to see a doctor immediatelly. if you cannot afford one, the local ER will see you now.

Is it normal to take 2 periods in 1 month after stopping your pill?

yes it changed due the pill.