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two weeks is a bit too much. periods usually range from 5-7 days generally. it could last 4, or 8, but 2 weeks is 14 days.

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Q: Is it normal for your period to last about two weeks?
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Is it normal having a period every two weeks?


Does the last two weeks before your cycle consider it as safe?

First few days of the last two weeks are considered as danger period. You are likely to get the pregnancy at this period.

Is it bad to have period 2 weeks after a light period?

I started my period at my correct timing. But it was light and ended two days before it did the last time (i thought that was the best period ever! Haha). Two weeks later it started again and it was normal. Im only 12, is this bad and what could it mean?

Is it bad if your period last for two weeks?

i have been on my period for mroe than 2 weeks before now and it has only happened a coulpe of times. it is not unusual to have irregular periods but if this continues then consult your Dr.

Having a period every two weeks?

Not normal. It would be best if you saw your doc.

If i had my period 2 weeks ago and now i have started cramping again?

Well you start ovulating two weeks before your period so that's normal

Peeing a lot after coming off the pill?

I have the same problem! & Am two weeks late on my period, but the doctor says all this is normal and could last up to three months! Which means, three months of no period! :)

Is it normal for your period to be behind a few weeks if you startd for the first time the month before?

no, it is normal. when you start your period for the first time it takes a year or two to become a normal cycle.

Why does it mean by having your menstruation two weeks after your period?

either you where to rough, or your early-- both are normal.

Why do you get your period every two weeks and its light and last like three day's?

Your supposed to get it every four weeks or 28 days and its light at the last thre days because your finishing your period

If you are 11 weeks pregnant on Dec 30 2009 when did you conceive?

Nine weeks before that, which is the same as two weeks after your last menstrual period. Doctors include the two weeks before conception in their calculation of the pregnancy date; that is, they start the calculation from the first day of your last period. Approximately 10/31/09.