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No, it absolutely is not. You do not get two periods a month, so you must be bleeding for another reason and you need to go to the doctor's office tomorrow, whether you have an appointment or not. One of them will see you, I guarantee.


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Q: Is it normal for your period to come after having intercourse even though you already had it that month?
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Is it normal for a women to start her period a week later after having intercourse?

Yes, this is normal. Intercourse doesn't effect menstruation at all so it has no relation to your period, when your period starts is dependent on your menstrual cycle - sex doesn't effect this.

If you get cramps for weeks after your period is that normal?

I'm not entirely sure where you're going with this question, but if you've had a normal period with normal flow since your last intercourse you are not pregnant.

Is it normal to start a period after 2 weeks of already having one?

it is normal because u have to wait 28 days and then 28 more days and it starts again so it is normal

Can you be pregnant if your having cramps after period?

If you have a normal period with normal flow you are not pregnant

Is there a possibility of pregnancy without actual intercourse after a normal period and the next one is delayed by 4 days?

no you have to have intercourse to get pregnant nooooooooo

I didn't use protection on the first day of my period and my flow is always very light. Can you still get pregnant on day 1 of your period even if your flow is usually very light anyway?

No you can not get pregnant from having sexual intercourse during a normal period.

How early after your period will you cramp if pregnant?

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but if you've had a normal period with normal flow since your last intercourse you are not pregnant.

Can a girl get pregnant not having her period in two months?

A girl won't get pregnant from not having her period; she may get pregnant from having sexual intercourse. However, the lack of the period may be an indication of pregnancy (but not the cause).

Having your period one day before your period After having your period without intercourse and have a bubbling feeling in the lower abdomen can you still be pregnant?

Um... If ur on ur period, ur not pregnant.

If you start having intercourse but then you start getting your period every two weeks is that normal then you get a black discharge is that normal too?

No a "black discharge" is not normal. Using BCP or MAP can cause irregular bleeding and break thru bleeding in the first three months of using OCP.

Is having a normal period is one of the sign of having a cyst in the uterus?

No; having a normal period is a sign that everything is... normal. If your period is longer than usual, heavier than usual or abnormal in some way, than you should consider consulting a doctor.

Can you get pergant while on your period?

Yes when having sexual intercourse you can still get pregnant so be careful