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Yes, it is completely normal for you boobs to be extremely tender and hurt. I have had three girls, and my boobs were extremely tender every time I was pregnant. It tends to be more in the beginning and the end of the pregnancy, not so much in the middle for me.

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Q: Is it normal for breasts to hurt?
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Can your breasts hurt if they are just growing?

Yes. As breasts grow, it is normal for them to be tender or a bit sore.

What does it mean when your Titties hurt?

My guess is that this is just before your period and that is normal for your breasts to hurt. If this is not true go see a doctor if it continues much longer.

Why does it hurt when your breasts are growing?

The muscles naturally are sensitive. This can make it painful to touch or move or put pressure on them. It is totally normal for them to hurt a little while growing.

Is it normal for breasts to hurt after period?

Yeah - it's pretty normal but if it never stops before the next period starts you may want to discuss it with a doctor.

Do breasts have to hurt to ovulate?

Breasts do not HAVE to hurt to ovulate. However, it is often the case that they do. It depends on the person. Some times a womans breasts hurt, while another womans dont.

Do breasts hurt when they develop milk?

It can. While breasts are developing and growing, they can be tender and sore, and that is perfectly normal.

Do breasts hurt after enlargement?

natural growth, no it doesn't hurt

Is it normal to be a week late but your breasts hurt and you had a clear milky discharge and cramps but had sex for the first time in 5 months?

No it's not normal, these symptoms are cause by pregnancy. Good luck!

Breasts hurt what does this mean?

Are they growing?

What happens when your breasts?

It is normal for your breasts to get larger as you grow.

Your outer breasts hurt really bad and you are not feeling like your normal self. Could you be pregnant?

yes it could be a sign but to be sure buy a test

Is it normal if your breasts hurt while they grow?

yes it is prefectly normal. if you are still going though this and have other Q's about your body and what is happing go to and post on some of their boards they know this kinda stuff.