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This is not exactly normal but it does sometimes occur when you first start BCP. Because of this I wouldn't worry too much but if the same thing happens next month then see your Doctor.

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Q: Is it normal for a light period the week of starting birth control?
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After starting birth control how long does your first period last?

It depends on the type of birth control. Sometimes after starting it, it could be longer than normal, and sometimes it will disappear the first month. Sometimes it will be normal, and sometimes is will be shorter.

You will be starting a new birth control packet on Mon but you still have your period is that normal?

yes your appose 2 have periodes

Is your period supposed to be normal after getting off birth control?

Everyone starts getting their period after birth control eventually.

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Starting a hormonal birth control pill in the middle of your cycle is likely to delay the next period.

Is white discharge normal after starting birth control?

yes it is completely normal.

Can starting birth control pills after giving birth trigger your period?

Sometimes yes.

Does starting birth control in the middle of your cycle delay your period?

No. starting birth control in the middle of your cycle does NOT delay your period. I started it in the middle of mine and i was fine. it ended on the EXACT day that it was supposed to.

How light is your period on birth control?

usually on birth control you have a very light period but until your body gets used ti the birth control then you can have anywhere from a normal flow to a very light flow.

Is it normal to have brown spotting instead of a period when you're on birth control?

Hormonal birth control changes your menstrual bleeding. It's not unusual to have brown spotting instead of a regular period when you're on birth control.

What if you get your period early on birth control?

Normal side effect of starting birth control. It is common in the first three cycles. If it keeps occurring into the fourth cycle, or is troublesome to you at any time, contact your health care provider for advice.

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Is it normal to get your period twice a month when you first start taking birth control?

Yes birth control changes your cycle causing your body to have to adjust to the birth control after a few weeks it should become a normal schedule.