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yes, because it takes atleast at week for the Birth Control to become effective

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Q: Is it likely to become pregnant the day after your first active pill on your second pack of birth control?
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Will you get pregnant if you forget to take your birth control one night?

If you miss one dose of your birth control you become more fertile.So the answer to your question is yes if you miss a pill and have intercourse you are more likely to become pregnant.

When is a woman most likely to become to become pregnant?

A women can most likely become pregnant when she is ovulating.

What if its your ovulation time and he pulls out and put back in can you get pregnant?

Yes. If you are ovulating you are more likely to become pregnant. Many women have become pregnant from pre-cum. If you don't want to become pregnant I would recommend condoms and/or a form of birth control.

Is it likely that a girl will get pregnant if you dont come?

It is possible for a girl to become pregnant from pre-cum or small amounts of semen that escape from the penis before ejaculation. You should always use a condom or a form of birth control if you do not wish to become pregnant.

How likely is a teen to become pregnant?

just as likely as an adult

How likely is it to become pregnant if you use condoms?

While it is not likely, there are rare occasions where pregnancy still occurs. You have to remember, other than abstinence, no form of birth control is 100%.

Are you more likely to have a miscarriage after birth control?

No, there is no increased rate of miscarriage for women who are pregnant while taking birth control or who get pregnant after stopping birth control.

How likely am i to be pregnant My fianc and I had unprotected I'm not on birth control and he did not pull out This happened twice Is it likely I'm pregnant?

There is a 50% chance that you are pregnant if your fiancee and you had unprotected sex, you are not on birth control and he did not pull out. If this happened twice, it is 50% likely that you are pregnant but the only way you will know for sure is by taking a pregnancy test.

Can a male guinea pig become pregnant?

most likely no

When is most likely to become pregnant before or after your period?


How likely is it to get pregnant after have a baby?

You can become pregnant within 2-4 weeks after the baby is born.

Can you become pregnant a week after going off the pill?

Yes. Even on birth control you can still get pregnant. Just a week after going off the pill its not likely, becasue you'll still have the hormones in your system but definatly still possible.