if a 3 year old can then so can a 12 year old
A girl can get pregnant at the age of 12. If a girl has went through puberty they can get pregnant.
If the girl has already started her periods then yes.
Yes, it has happened before and is becoming increasingly more common. Not to mention, of course, that having sex at age 12 is illegal
yes you can kiss a girl at age 12 and get one at that age to
a girl can get pregnant at one year old
Whenever the male begins to produce sperm he can get a girl pregnant.
Normally farmers don't get their sheep pregnant until they are 12 months of age
Age of conception is the age when a girl is physically capable of becoming pregnant.
The youngest age for a girl to get pregnant is 14 but it's safe to get pregnant only after the age of 18. not really ! well basically a girl can get pregnant from the age of 10! coz that when periods start!
A girl can become pregnant usually after puberty. This is because of her menstrual cycle. She must be ovulating though in order for her to conceive (become pregnant). Some women can have periods without ovulating so that would be the most important thing is that she ovulates.
that makes no sense! if you are asking can a girl be pregnant under 18 and the answer is yes! my friend had a baby at the age of 13.
Technically, a girl can get pregnant at almost any age, but there are less health-risks (for both the girl and her child) after she begins her menstrual cycle.