A girl can become pregnant usually after puberty. This is because of her menstrual cycle. She must be ovulating though in order for her to conceive (become pregnant). Some women can have periods without ovulating so that would be the most important thing is that she ovulates.
most teenagers get pregnant at age 15
They don't until they get pregnant. Though milk can be produced when not pregnant, females do not have an age at which they start to produce.
One third of girls become pregnant before the age of 20
they probably could if they wanted..
no,she did not actually in this age an acid is secreted in girls which could make them look fat no,she did not actually in this age an acid is secreted in girls which could make them look fat no,she did not actually in this age an acid is secreted in girls which could make them look fat no,she did not actually in this age an acid is secreted in girls which could make them look fat but there are some pictures of her looking pregnant so its hard to tell
72.3% of woman are under age and pregnant most finding it hard to work and also care for the child
Girls can get pregnant once they've had their period.
Yes,girls get sensitive when they get pregnant.
Because when girls stop having periods, they cant get pregnant any more.
They do after they hit puberty around age 12-13 and the periods stop if they become pregnant.
Girls get pregnant at a young age because they have sex without considering what might happen or think "I won't get pregnant." They are no longer taught to wait until they are older (or even married). They seem to believe that having sex at a young age is okay or even something they are supposed to do. They do not consider that having a baby will change their lives forever or the possibility of getting an STD.
No. She is all ready pregnant.